Welcome to the TapResearch Demand API documentation!
Our API enables you to create and modify sampling projects on our platform, start/stop the flow of sample and reconcile completes.
Getting Started
Sign up for a researcher account at
Before you can begin consuming our API, you will need to contact for an API token. This token will be used for authentication purposes described in the section below.
The first API token that we send you will only grant you access to our staging server,
Please use this as
your base URL until you are ready to go live.
When you are read to go live, please follow the steps below:
- Contact us for a live api token.
- Replace
for all routes.
Example Request
$ curl -D- -X GET -H "Authorization: Basic dGVzdEB0YXByZXNlYXJjaC5jb206NGMzMTg2Mjg4YWUyM2ZkOTY2MWNiNWRmY2NlMTkzMGU="
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
Example Request
# Attach this to your Authorization header.
auth = "Basic" + Base64::strict_encode64("")
We use HTTP basic authentication combined with HTTPS to enforce access controls to secure resources. This means that we will check the value passed in the 'Authorization' header to make sure you have access to the resource you are requesting.
The 'Authorization' header needs to be submitted in the following form:
Authorization: Basic dGVzdEB0YXByZXNlYXJjaC5jb206NGMzMTg2Mjg4YWUyM2ZkOTY2MWNiNWRmY2NlMTkzMGU=
The header can be constructed by following the steps below:
Base64 encode the string generated in step 1.
Append Basic to the string generated in step 2.
Example: Basic dGVzdEB0YXByZXNlYXJjaC5jb206NGMzMTg2Mjg4YWUyM2ZkOTY2MWNiNWRmY2NlMTkzMGU=
List all country languages
HTTP Request
Sample Response
"id": 1,
"abbr": "en-US"
"id": 2,
"abbr": "en-CA"
"id": 5,
"abbr": "en-GB"
"id": 9,
"abbr": "en-AU"
List all qualifications
Get a list of supported targeting criteria.
Sample Response
"answer_type": 5,
"name": "AGE",
"question_id": 42,
"question_text": "What is your age?",
"en_translation": "What is your age?"
"answer_type": 0,
"name": "GENDER",
"question_id": 43,
"question_text": "What is your gender?",
"en_translation": "What is your gender?"
"answer_type": 5,
"name": "ZIP",
"question_id": 45,
"question_text": "What is your zip or postal code?",
"en_translation": "What is your your zip or postal code?"
"answer_type": 0,
"name": "HISPANIC",
"question_id": 47,
"question_text": "Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?",
"en_translation": "Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?"
"answer_type": 0,
"name": "STATE",
"question_id": 96,
"question_text": "What is your state?",
"en_translation": "What is your state?"
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
country_language_id | integer | Id value used to specify which set of qualifications to get by country language code. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Qualification name |
question_id | Integer | This value will be used to fetch qualification details. |
question_text | String | This is the question text that will be served to our respondents. |
answer_type | Integer | This will determine how campaign_qualifications pre-codes are generated for quotas. See Answer Types section for more information. |
en_translation | String | The english translation of the question. |
Get a specific qualification
Get answer options to a specific qualification.
Sample Response
"answer_type": 0,
"name": "HISPANIC",
"question_id": 47,
"question_text": "Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?",
"en_translation": "Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?",
"qualification_answers": [
"option_text": "No , not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin",
"pre_code": 1,
"en_translation": "No , not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin"
"option_text": "Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano",
"pre_code": 2,
"en_translation": "Yes, Mexican, Mexican American, Chicano"
"option_text": "Yes, Cuban",
"pre_code": 3,
"en_translation": "Yes, Cuban"
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Argentina ",
"pre_code": 4,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Argentina "
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Colombia ",
"pre_code": 5,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Colombia "
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Ecuador ",
"pre_code": 6,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Ecuador "
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** El Salvadore ",
"pre_code": 7,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** El Salvadore "
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Guatemala ",
"pre_code": 8,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Guatemala "
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Nicaragua ",
"pre_code": 9,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Nicaragua "
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Panama ",
"pre_code": 10,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Panama "
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Peru ",
"pre_code": 11,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Peru "
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Spain ",
"pre_code": 12,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Spain "
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Venezuela ",
"pre_code": 13,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Venezuela ",
"option_text": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Other Country",
"pre_code": 14,
"en_translation": "Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin *** Other Country",
"option_text": "Prefer not to answer",
"pre_code": 15,
"en_translation": "Prefer not to answer"
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
question_id | Integer | This value will be returned with each record through the /qualifications route. |
country_language_id | Integer | Id value used to specify which qualification to get by country language code. |
Qualification Answers
Parameter | Type | Description |
option_text | String | The answer text that is shown to our respondents. |
pre_code | Integer | This is value you will be passing into the campaign_qualifications pre_codes array to describe which respondents qualify for a survey. |
en_translation | String | The english translation of the answer. |
List your campaigns
Sample Response
"id": 11611886,
"cpi": null,
"length_of_interview": 10,
"name": "Test Survey",
"total_remaining": 0,
"status": 5,
"supplier_link": "",
"incidence": 50,
"reentry_interval": null,
"days_in_field": 3,
"max_daily_completes": null,
"is_retarget": false,
"is_maid_targeted": false,
"retarget_count": 0,
"supported_devices": [
"country_language_id": 1,
"custom_campaign_qualifications": [],
"buyer_account_id": 1,
"campaign_quotas": [],
"campaign_relationships": [],
"redirect_test_url": ""
Get a list of campaigns that are accessible by the authenticated user.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
country_language_id | Integer | Optional id value used to specify which set of campaigns to get by country language code. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | This is the unique campaign identifier. You will need to use this parameter to get campaign details or update a specific campaign. |
name | String | Name of the campaign. |
cpi | String | All CPIs are USD. This is the amount you will be charged per complete. |
days_in_field | Integer | Number of days this campaign will be in the field. This value will be used to estimate feasibility for each associated campaign quota. |
incidence | Integer | The percentage chance that a random respondent will qualify and complete the survey. |
status | Integer | This value will be returned as a 2(Active), 3(Complete), 4(Archived), 5(Paused), 6(Reconciled) or 7(System Paused). |
length_of_interview | Integer | How many minutes will it take to complete the survey? |
total_remaining | Integer | This is the number of completes left before the survey is complete. This value is the sum of num_respondents found inside associated campaign_quotas. |
supplier_link | String | The entry URL when a respondent has qualified for the survey. |
max_daily_completes | Integer | Total completes allowed per day. |
reentry_interval | Integer | Time allowed for a respondent to re-enter this campaign. Never - null, Unlimited - 0, Days - number |
country_language_id | Integer | Country language targeting for this campaign. |
retarget_count | Integer | Total number of recontact records associated with the campaign. |
buyer_account_id | Integer | ID associated wth creation of a buyer via the /adhoc_accounts route. |
Create a campaign
Sample Request Payload
"name": "Test Survey",
"days_in_field": 3,
"length_of_interview": 10,
"supplier_link": "",
"incidence": 50,
"country_language_id": 1,
"buyer_account_id": 1,
"supported_devices": [
Sample Response
"id": 11598926,
"cpi": null,
"length_of_interview": 10,
"name": "Test Survey",
"total_remaining": 0,
"status": 5,
"supplier_link": "",
"incidence": 50,
"reentry_interval": null,
"days_in_field": 3,
"max_daily_completes": null,
"is_retarget": false,
"is_maid_targeted": false,
"retarget_count": 0,
"supported_devices": [
"country_language_id": 1,
"custom_campaign_qualifications": [],
"buyer_account_id": 1
Create a campaign with campaign-only metadata. Quotas, exclusions, and qualifications will need to be added through other routes.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the campaign |
incidence | Integer | The percentage chance that a random respondent will qualify and complete the survey. |
length_of_interview | Integer | How many minutes will it take to complete the survey? |
country_language_id | Integer | Country language targeting for this campaign. |
supplier_link | String | The entry URL when a respondent has qualified for the survey. This URL can be configured to accept various respondent values. See below: |
cpi | Decimal | All CPIs are USD. This is the amount you will be charged per complete. |
supplier_link formatting
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
is_retarget | Boolean | Set to true for the first wave of a multi-wave recontact project. This will focus sampling on respondents who are more active, to improve recontact rates on subsequent waves. |
days_in_field | Integer | Number of days this campaign will be in the field. This value will be used to estimate feasibility for each associated campaign quota. Default value is 5. |
supported_devices | Integer Array | Pass in 0 (tablet), 1 (mobile), and/or 2 (desktop). |
max_daily_completes | Integer | Number of completes that will be allowed per day for this campaign. |
reentry_interval | Integer | Time allowed for a respondent to re-enter this campaign. Never - null, Unlimited - 0, Minutes - number. |
buyer_account_id | Integer | ID associated wth creation of a buyer via the /adhoc_accounts route. |
Update a campaign
Sample Request Payload - Change name and length of interview for a campaign.
"name": "New Survey Name",
"length_of_interview": 10
Sample Request Payload - Set a campaign to active, allow mobile respondents, and set a maximum complete amount for 250.
"status": 2,
"max_daily_completes": 250,
"supported_devices": [
Sample Request Payload - Set a reentry interval for 5 days for a respondent.
"reentry_internval": 7200
Sample Response
"id": 11611886,
"cpi": null,
"length_of_interview": 10,
"total_remaining": 0,
"status": 5,
"supplier_link": "",
"name": "New Survey Name",
"incidence": 50,
"days_in_field": 3,
"is_retarget": false,
"max_daily_completes": null,
"reentry_interval": null,
"country_language_id": 1,
"is_maid_targeted": false,
"supported_devices": [
"country_language_id": 1,
"custom_campaign_qualifications": [],
"buyer_account_id": 1,
"redirect_test_url": "",
"retarget_count": 0
Update a campaign that belongs to the authenticated user.
HTTP Request
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
status | Integer | Only 2 (Active), 3 (Complete), 5 (Paused) will be accepted. |
See Create Campaign for additional parameters
Get a specific campaign
Sample Response
"id": 11611886,
"cpi": null,
"length_of_interview": 10,
"name": "New Survey Name",
"total_remaining": 500,
"status": 5,
"supplier_link": "",
"incidence": 50,
"reentry_interval": null,
"days_in_field": 3,
"max_daily_completes": null,
"is_retarget": false,
"is_maid_targeted": false,
"retarget_count": 0,
"supported_devices": [
"country_language_id": 1,
"custom_campaign_qualifications": [],
"buyer_account_id": 1,
"campaign_quotas": [
"id": 54661616,
"num_respondents": 500,
"is_global": false,
"name": "LocationQuota",
"is_click_balanced": true,
"campaign_qualifications": [
"question_id": 96,
"pre_codes": [
"question_id": 97,
"pre_codes": [
"campaign_relationships": [
"id": 56369643627,
"campaign_id": 11611886,
"related_campaign_id": 11598926
"redirect_test_url": ""
Retrieve campaign metadata along with associated quotas, exclusions, and qualifications.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | This is the unique campaign identifier. |
Redirect URL
Sample Response
"redirect_test_url": ""
Retrieve the associated redirect_test_url for a specific campaign.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | This is the unique campaign identifier. |
Reject completes for a campaign
Sample Request
"transaction_ids": [
Reject completes that did not meet your quality standards.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | This is the unique campaign identifier. |
transaction_ids | Array of strings | Transaction ids that were attached to the id parameter when we sent the respondent into your survey. |
Sample Response
"campaign_quotas": [
"id": 446003,
"estimated_completes": 32
"estimated_completes": 32,
"over_num_days": 5,
"id": 30309
"campaign_quotas": [
"message": "We can't estimate feasibility for question ids: ( 723 )",
"id": 959323
"estimated_completes": 0,
"over_num_days": 5,
"id": 153547
Get the total estimated number of completes based on your campaign quotas.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Realtime Feasibility
Sample Request
"length_of_interview" : 10,
"days_in_field" : 5,
"campaign_quotas" : [
"num_respondents": 10,
"campaign_qualifications": [
"question_id": 97,
"pre_codes": [
"num_respondents": 20,
"campaign_qualifications": [
"question_id": 42,
"pre_codes": [
Sample Response
"campaign_quotas": [
"estimated_completes": 3
"estimated_completes": 20
"estimated_completes": 23,
"over_num_days": 5
Get the total estimated number of completes without having to create a campaign.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
incidence | Integer | The percentage chance that a random respondent will qualify and complete the survey. |
length_of_interview | Integer | How many minutes will it take to complete the survey? |
campaign_quotas | Array | See "create a campaign quota" subsection. |
cpi | Decimal | All CPIs are USD. This is the amount you will be charged per complete. |
country_language_id | Integer | Country language targeting for this campaign. |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
days_in_field | Integer | Number of days this campaign will be in the field. This value will be used to estimate feasibility for each associated campaign quota. Default value is 5. |
Sample Request
"accepted_ids": [
Reconcile a campaign using accepted survey complete ids.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | This is the unique campaign identifier. |
accepted_ids | Array of strings | Transaction ids of survey completes that were accepted. |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
purchase_order | String | Purchase order associated with the campaign. |
Campaign Exclusions
Create a campaign exclusion
Sample Request Payload - A sampling of valid and invalid player_ids and transaction_ids.
"player_ids": [
"transaction_ids": [
Sample Response
"player_ids_excluded": [
"player_ids_not_found": [
"transaction_ids_excluded": [
"transaction_ids_not_found": [
Create player and/or transaction exclusions for a specific campaign.
HTTP Request
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
player_ids | Array of strings | Specify the player_ids to be excluded for the applicable campaign. |
transaction_ids | Array of strings | Specify the transaction_ids to be excluded for the applicable campaign. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
player_ids_excluded | Array of strings | A list of player_ids that were found and excluded. |
player_ids_not_found | Array of strings | A list of player_ids that were not found. |
transaction_ids_excluded | Array of strings | A list of transaction_ids that were found and excluded. |
player_ids_excluded | Array of strings | A list of transaction_ids that were not found and excluded. |
Campaign Export
Create a campaign export
Sample Request Payload - Request body in which you wish to filter on multiple transaction_ids and multiple player_ids.
"player_ids": [
"transaction_ids": [
Create an export of campaign demographic data in a CSV format. More information on the formatting of the CSV returned in the response may be found here.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
transaction_ids | String or Array of strings | Any transaction_ids you wish to filter the CSV export on. |
player_ids | String or Array of strings | Any player_ids you wish to filter the CSV export on. |
Campaign Quotas
Create a campaign quota
Create a quota for a specific campaign.
Sample Request Payload - 32 respondents who are between the ages of 18-24, 30-34 and male.
"num_respondents": 32,
"name": "Age quota",
"is_click_balanced": false,
"is_global": false,
"campaign_qualifications": [
"question_id": 42,
"pre_codes": [
"question_id": 43,
"pre_codes": [
Sample Response - Remember to record the id that is returned.
"id": 274771,
"num_respondents": 32,
"is_global": false,
"name": "Age quota",
"is_click_balanced": false,
"campaign_qualifications": [
"question_id": 42,
"pre_codes": [
"question_id": 43,
"pre_codes": [
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Campaign Quota
Parameter | Type | Description |
num_respondents | Integer | The number of completes required before the quota is closed. |
campaign_qualifications | Array | A list of objects that describe the qualifying criteria for the quota. |
Campaign Qualification
Parameter | Type | Description |
question_id | Integer | The question id of the qualification you want to target on. |
pre_codes | Integer Array | A list of accepted pre-codes or values. See Answer Types section. |
Optional Parameters
Campaign Quota
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the campaign quota. |
is_click_balanced | Boolean | Whether the campaign quota is click balanced. |
is_global | Boolean | Whether this quota should serve as a cap/be applied to all other quotas across the applicable campaign? More information may be found here. |
Update a campaign quota
Update a quota for a specific campaign.
Sample Request Payload - 50 respondents who are hispanic and live in specific zip code areas.
"num_respondents": 50,
"name": "Updated Quota Name",
"is_click_balanced": true,
"is_global": true,
"campaign_qualifications": [
"question_id": 45,
"pre_codes": [
"question_id": 47,
"pre_codes": [
HTTP Request
Optional Parameters
Campaign Quota
Parameter | Type | Description |
num_respondents | Integer | The number of completes required before the quota is closed. |
name | String | Name of the campaign quota. |
is_click_balanced | Boolean | Whether the campaign quota is click balanced. |
is_global | Boolean | Whether this quota should serve as a cap/be applied to all other quotas across the applicable campaign? More information may be found here. |
campaign_qualifications | Array | A list of objects that describe the qualifying criteria for the quota. |
Campaign Qualification
Parameter | Type | Description |
question_id | Integer | The qualification identifier you want to associate with the quota. |
pre_codes | Integer Array | A list of accepted pre-codes or values. See Answer Types section. |
Get a specific campaign quota
Get quota details along with associated campaign_qualifications.
Sample Response
"id": 274771,
"num_respondents": 32,
"is_global": true,
"name": "Updated Quota Name",
"is_click_balanced": true,
"campaign_qualifications": [
"question_id": 42,
"pre_codes": [
"question_id": 43,
"pre_codes": [
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Delete a campaign quota
Remove a quota for a specific campaign
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique quota id |
Sample Response
"estimated_completes": 72,
"over_num_days": 5
Get the estimated number of completes based on your targeting criteria and days_in_field.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Campaign Retargeting
Add Respondents
Sample Request Payloads
"retargeting_type": 1,
"retargeting_ids": [
"id": "e2c479d73ff8a256317356a2be25aed4"
}, {
"id": "47427850ed299431ad173ec32868dbe9"
}, {
"id": "eeb784b657985398f24707e3f0969227"
}, {
"id": "69ca1702f0c1b9f508687e37b243e928"
}, {
"id": "1b240e62c891524bf62dab9dc18db028"
}, {
"id": "6385e12881c8ed49070411f309b43058"
"retargeting_type": 2,
"expiration_date": "09-28-2019",
"retargeting_ids": [
"id": "748F63F4-A2FA-4971-8154-11FE4D03C0C9",
"replacement_id": "device_1"
}, {
"id": "DAFFA6A9-A37A-441E-9E65-73B79FC7B4B6",
"replacement_id": "device_2"
}, {
"id": "82ACEFDA-06C1-4023-B897-F08ECBA330BB",
"replacement_id": "device_3"
}, {
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"replacement_id": "device_4"
}, {
"id": "8A7D2593-4835-4F04-BEBD-59FC2C3F3272",
"replacement_id": "device_5"
}, {
"id": "C4FBAAB9-A853-498E-8843-6F6A4831C34B",
"replacement_id": "device_6"
Hashed MAIDs retargeting type identifiers should be generated using UPPER(SHA1(UPPER(REAL_MAID))
"retargeting_type": 3,
"retargeting_ids": [
"id": "9ed0d5fe11b11fd29fce8c1bdd593b3a35be5728"
}, {
"id": "f7e227a9751a68c2c7ec254b88f189aa37e76bc3"
}, {
"id": "1ede8b7aafa7dfee06912a9105664fcfaefad484"
}, {
"id": "07b552be2546b724e0aecefb10b4468d81d1d1cf"
}, {
"id": "2145473a23f6ba30bf2c5e80c48ed5272603d84e"
Sample Response
"cpi": "2.75",
"days_in_field": 5,
"id": 365,
"incidence": 10,
"length_of_interview": 20,
"name": "PO1607074800517",
"status": 2,
"supplier_link": "",
"total_remaining": 100
Add respondent/device ID targeting to a campaign
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
retargeting_type | Integer | Specify the type of retargeting identifiers passed in. 0 (Transaction ID), 1 (Respondent ID), 2(Device ID), 3(Hashed Mobile Ad ID) |
retargeting_ids | Array | A list of objects that specify the following criteria. |
Retargeting Ids
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String | Required identifier used to target a respondent in a campaign. |
replacement_id | String | Optional replacement value that is subsituted in the entry url. See campaign for details. |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
expiration_date | String | Pass this parameter to override the default expiration date of 30 days. The format must be specified as "month-day-year", for example "08-17-2019". |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | This is the unique campaign identifier. You will need to use this parameter to get campaign details or update a specific campaign. |
name | String | Name of the campaign |
cpi | String | All CPIs are USD. This is the amount you will be charged per complete. |
days_in_field | Integer | Number of days this campaign will be in the field. This value will be used to estimate feasibility for each associated campaign quota. |
incidence | Integer | The percentage chance that a random respondent will qualify and complete the survey. |
is_retarget | Boolean | Set to true for the first wave of a multi-wave recontact project. This will focus sampling on respondents who are more active, to improve recontact rates on subsequent waves. |
status | Integer | This value will be returned as a 2(Active), 3(Complete), or 5(Paused). |
length_of_interview | Integer | How many minutes will it take to complete the survey? |
total_remaining | Integer | This is the number of completes left before the survey is complete. This value is the sum of num_respondents found inside associated campaign_quotas. |
supplier_link | String | The entry URL when a respondent has qualified for the survey. |
Remove Respondents
Sample Request Payload
"retargeting_type": 1,
"retargeting_ids": [
Sample Response
"cpi": "2.75",
"days_in_field": 5,
"id": 365,
"incidence": 10,
"length_of_interview": 20,
"name": "PO1607074800517",
"status": 2,
"supplier_link": "",
"total_remaining": 100
Remove respondent/device ID targeting to a campaign
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
retargeting_type | Integer | Specify the type of retargeting identifiers passed in. 0 (Transaction ID), 1 (Respondent ID), 2(Device ID) |
retargeting_ids | String Array | List of retargeting identifiers to remove. |
Campaign Relationships
Add Exclusion
Sample Request Payloads
"campaign_id": 1234,
"related_campaign_id": 5678
Sample Response
"campaign_id": 1234,
"related_campaign_id": 5678,
"id": 222
Excludes campaigns from being shown together for a user.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
campaign_id | Integer | Unique campaign id to be excluded from the related campaign. |
related_campaign_id | Integer | Unqiue campaign id to be excluded from the related campaign. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique campaign relationship id. Used to identify the relationship between campaigns. |
campaign_id | Integer | Unique campaign id to be excluded from the related campaign. |
related_campaign_id | Integer | Unqiue campaign id to be excluded from the related campaign. |
Remove Exclusion
Remove campaign exclusion.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Unique campaign relationship id. Used to identify the relationship between campaigns. |
Custom Screeners
A custom screener is targeting criteria that you can define yourself. These qualifications behave similarly to the qualifications available in the /qualifications endpoint, however they are not re-usable. Each time a custom screener is used, it must be re-created.
Create a custom qualification
Create a custom qualification question.
Sample Request
"name": "My qualification",
"question_text": "What do you want to do with your life?",
"answer_type": 0,
"country_language_id": 1
Sample Response
"name": "My qualification",
"question_id": 100112709,
"question_text": "What do you want to do with your life?",
"answer_type": 0,
"en_translation": "What do you want to do with your life?",
"country_language_id": 1
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
question_text | String | This is the question text that will be served to our respondents. |
answer_type | Integer | The answer format to be used for the qualification. Mapping information may be found here. |
country_language_id | Integer | Country language targeting for the qualification. |
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the custom qualification. |
customer_id | Integer | The unique identifier associated with your account. See Callbacks section for more information. This is set automatically and unable to be edited. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the custom qualification. |
question_id | Integer | This value will be used to fetch qualification details. |
question_text | String | This ans the question text that will be served to our respondents. |
answer_type | Integer | The answer format to be used for the qualification. Mapping information may be found here. |
country_language_id | Integer | Country language targeting for the qualification. |
en_translation | String | The English translation of the question. |
Create a custom qualification answer
Create a custom qualification answer to correspond with your custom qualifications.
Sample Request Payload - Update custom qualification name
"option_text": "Corporate Chef"
Sample Response
"option_text": "Corporate Chef",
"pre_code": 4,
"en_translation": "Corporate Chef",
"country_language_id": 1
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
option_text | String | The answer text that is shown to our respondents. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
option_text | String | The answer text that is shown to our respondents. |
pre_code | Integer | This is the value(s) you will be passing into the campaign_qualifications pre_codes array to describe which respondents qualify for a survey. |
en_translation | String | The English translation of the question. |
country_language_id | Integer | Country language targeting for the qualification. |
Create a campaign qualification
Create a campaign qualification which will allow you to associate your custom qualifications and answers to a specific campaign.
Sample Request Payload -
"question_id": 100112713,
"pre_code_values": "1"
Sample Response
"id": 50394692475,
"question_id": 100112713,
"pre_codes": [
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | This the unique identifier of the campaign qualification.You will need to use this parameter to update a specific campaign qualification. |
question_id | Integer | This value will be used to fetch qualification details. |
pre_code_values | String | The pre_code value received in the response of returned when creating a custom qualification answer. See Create a custom qualification answer for more information. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
question_id | Integer | This value will be used to fetch qualification details. |
pre_codes | Array of Integers | Values to be passed in the pre_codes array to describe which respondents qualify for a survey. |
Update a campaign qualification
Update the pre_code_values for a specified campaign qualification.
Sample Request
"pre_code_values": "2"
Sample Response
"id": 50395232189,
"question_id": 100112748,
"pre_codes": [
HTTP Request
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
pre_code_values | String | The pre_code value received in the response of returned when creating a custom qualification answer. See Create a custom qualification answer for more information. |
Delete a campaign qualification
Remove a campaign qualification
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | This the unique identifier of the campaign qualification. |
Adhoc Accounts
Create an Adhoc Account
Create an adhoc account also known as a buyer that can subsequently be provided in requests to the /campaigns endpoint using the parameter 'buyer_account_id'.
Sample Request Payload
Sample Response
"id": 1,
"buyer_name": "buyer",
"buyer_identifier": "buyer1234"
HTTP Request
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
buyer_name | String | Name of the buyer. |
buyer_identifier | String | Identifier of the buyer. |
Response Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer | ID to be passed in as the 'buyer_account_id' when using the /campaigns endpoint. |
buyer_name | String | Name of the buyer. |
buyer_identifier | String | Identifier of the buyer. |
Answer Types
When you make a request to our qualifications route, there will be an answer_type field returned with every object. The answer_type value will determine how the campaign_qualifications pre_codes array is constructed.
When answer_type is a 0 or 1
Pass in every pre code that qualifies a respondent. For example, the gender qualification has two accept answers, male and female, with pre codes of 1 and 2, respectively.
If you passed in:
- 1: target only males
- 2: target only females
- 1 and 2: target both males and females
When answer_type is equal to 5
Qualifications with answer_type 5 will return with an empty qualification_answers array. You will need to construct an array of customer values.
- Age: Pass in an array of ages.
I.E. Pass in [ 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 ] if you are looking to target respondents that are between the ages of 18 and 24.
- Zip: Pass in an array of zip codes.
I.E. [ "95120", "94089" ]
Supplier Links
Transaction ID
Specify where you want this ID to appear using {ID}:{ID}
Here is an example upon survey entry:
This value must be passed back in the status callback URLs.
Respondent ID{RESPONDENT_ID}&id={ID}
This is the unique alphanumeric ID for this respondent.
Retarget Identifier{RETARGET_IDENTIFIER}&id={ID}
{RETARGET_IDENTIFIER} will be replaced with the retargeting_id as provided in Campaign Retargeting.
If a replacement_id is specified in Campaign Retargeting, that value will be used instead.
Respondent Demographics{ID}&age={AGE}&gender={GENDER}&zip={ZIP_CODE}&education={633}
{AGE} will be an integer.
{GENDER} will be either M (male) or F (female).
{ZIP_CODE} will be an alphanumeric string.
Any {QUESTION_ID} from the /qualifications route may now be used as a substitution value. Any invalid values will be safely ignored. The URL example above has been updated with an example using the Education Level question_id.
For the above example upon survey entry the URL will look like this:
Security (optional)
We now support the creation of an HMAC-SHA1 security hash to be appended to the end of a Supplier Link using the substitution value {LINK_HASH} used in conjunction with a new parameter called security_hash.
The HMAC-SHA1 security hash should be generated using the fully constructed Supplier Link less the {LINK_HASH} substitution value and the customer’s API secret.
The {LINK_HASH} should always be the final value appended to a supplier link.
Use the customer API secret and Fully Constructed Supplier link sans the {LINK_HASH} substitution value to generate the HMAC-SHA1 security hash. See Callbacks for an additional example.
- Supplier Link Format Example:{ID}&age={AGE}&gender={GENDER}&zip={ZIP_CODE}&education={633}&security_hash={LINK_HASH}
- Fully Constructed Supplier Link:{LINK_HASH}
- Fully Constructed Supplier Link with Security Hash:
Parameter | Type | Description |
security_hash | String | HMAC-SHA1 security hash generated using the fully constructed Supplier Link less the {LINK_HASH} substitution value. |
Insights API
List organization projects
Sample Response
"data": {
"id": "projects_list_683",
"type": "projects_list",
"attributes": {
"page": 1,
"pages": 2,
"projects": {
"data": [
"id": "87",
"type": "project",
"attributes": {
"id": 87,
"name": "A one time project",
"project_type": "one_time",
"campaigns": {
"data": [
"id": "478",
"type": "campaign",
"attributes": {
"id": 478,
"status": "complete",
"complete_at": "2022-07-01T19:01:18.000Z",
"links": {
"results_url": "",
"columns_url": ""
"id": "318",
"type": "project",
"attributes": {
"id": 318,
"name": "A recurring project",
"project_type": "recurring",
"campaigns": {
"data": [
"id": "509",
"type": "campaign",
"attributes": {
"id": 509,
"status": "complete",
"complete_at": "2022-07-01T19:01:18.000Z",
"links": {
"results_url": "",
"columns_url": ""
"id": "510",
"type": "campaign",
"attributes": {
"id": 510,
"status": "complete",
"complete_at": "2022-07-07T19:01:18.000Z",
"links": {
"results_url": "",
"columns_url": ""
"id": "511",
"type": "campaign",
"attributes": {
"id": 511,
"status": "active",
"complete_at": null,
"links": {
"results_url": "",
"columns_url": ""
Get a list of projects for the organization. Request identity/organization is derived from the Authorization
Note: Projects that are still in draft are not returned.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Optional Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
project_type | String |
Pass this parameter to return only projects of the specified type. Accepted values: recurring or one_time |
page | Integer |
Response is paginated, 30 projects per page. By default this endpoint returns the first page. If you have more than 30 projects, you will need to make subsequent requests using the page parameter. |
Response follows the JSON:API specification. Each resource type returns a top-level data
key, and within that, an attributes
field containing the data.
Top-Level Fields
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | String |
Unique identifier in the format: projects_list_<Organization ID> |
type | String |
Resource type: projects_list |
attributes | Object |
Object which contains the resource data (see below) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
page | Integer |
The current page being returned |
pages | Integer |
The total number of pages for this resource |
projects | Array of projects |
List of projects for the organization. If a project_type param was not specified, the list may contain both one-time and recurring projects (if they both exist). See below for projects item attributes. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer |
Project ID |
name | String |
Project name |
project_type | String |
Project type: one_time or recurring |
campaigns | Array of campaigns |
List of campaigns for the project. One-time projects will have only 1 campaign returned. Recurring project waves are in order using 0-based indexing where wave_number = index + 1 . See below for campaigns item attributes and campaigns item links. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer |
Campaign ID |
status | String |
Campaign status: active / paused / complete / archived |
complete_at | String or null |
Date completed in RFC 3339 format, or null (when campaign is not complete) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
results_url | String or null |
Endpoint URL that returns the results CSV file, or null (when there's no responses yet). |
columns_url | String or null |
Endpoint URL that returns the CSV file headers mapping { column_id: "Column title" } |
Get a specific project
Sample Response
"data": {
"id": "318",
"type": "project",
"attributes": {
"id": 318,
"name": "A recurring project",
"project_type": "recurring",
"campaigns": {
"data": [
"id": "509",
"type": "campaign",
"attributes": {
"id": 509,
"status": "complete",
"complete_at": "2022-07-01T19:01:18.000Z",
"links": {
"results_url": "",
"columns_url": ""
"id": "510",
"type": "campaign",
"attributes": {
"id": 510,
"status": "complete",
"complete_at": "2022-07-07T19:01:18.000Z",
"links": {
"results_url": "",
"columns_url": ""
"id": "511",
"type": "campaign",
"attributes": {
"id": 511,
"status": "active",
"complete_at": null,
"links": {
"results_url": "",
"columns_url": ""
Get a specific project by ID with its associated campaigns.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer |
Project ID |
name | String |
Project name |
project_type | String |
Project type: one_time or recurring |
campaigns | Array of campaigns |
List of campaigns for the project. One-time projects will have only 1 campaign returned. Recurring project waves are in order using 0-based indexing where wave_number = index + 1 . See below for campaigns item attributes and campaigns item links. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | Integer |
Campaign ID |
status | String |
Campaign status: active / paused / complete / archived |
complete_at | String or null |
Date completed in RFC 3339 format, or null (when campaign is not complete) |
Parameter | Type | Description |
results_url | String or null |
Endpoint URL that returns the results CSV file, or null (when there's no responses yet). |
columns_url | String or null |
Endpoint URL that returns the CSV file headers mapping { column_id: "Column title" } |
Get the CSV headers for a campaign
Sample Response
"data": {
"id": "columns_510",
"type": "campaign_columns",
"attributes": {
"columns": {
"id": "Id",
"time": "Time",
"panelist_id": "Panelist ID",
"status": "Status",
"pq_42": "Age",
"pq_101": "Division",
"pq_97": "Dma",
"pq_113": "Ethnicity",
"pq_43": "Gender",
"pq_122": "Region",
"pq_633": "Education",
"pq_2189": "Employment",
"pq_14785": "Household income",
"pq_14785_non_bucketed": "Household income (raw value)",
"pq_96": "State",
"pq_45": "Zip",
"pq_50017": "Birthday",
"pq_50020": "Parent of children under 18",
"tq_1325": "Do you ever travel internationally?",
"tq_1326": "Which of the following countries have you visited?",
"tq_1327": "Rank the following countries in order of places you want to visit.",
"tq_1328": "Which of these factors is most important to you when considering international travel?",
Returns the CSV file header mapping for a given campaign.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
Base Data Columns
Column | Description |
id | Respondent session identifier |
time | Session start timestamp |
panelist_id | Unique respondent identifier |
status | Respondent survey result status (usually Complete ) |
Demographic Columns
Column | Description |
pq_<Demographic ID> |
These columns represent the various demographic data points returned. |
Survey Question Columns
Column | Description |
tq_<Root Question ID> |
These columns represent the answers to the survey questions. |
Get a campaign result CSV
Returns the CSV results export for a given campaign.
HTTP Request
Required Parameters
HTTP Headers
Header | Value |
Content-Type | text/csv |
Content-Disposition | attachment; filename="campaign_result_<Campaign ID>.csv" |
CSV Format
Refer to the CSV columns endpoint to see the data returned for a campaign.
# Sample redirect URL
redirect_url = ""
# Generate HMAC-SHA1
api_secret = "f81324b50c807cd7118ffe32a34a6681"
digest ="sha1")
sha1 = OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest(digest, api_secret, redirect_url)
puts sha1 # e48ad262a413283078f5841cb3beb8d75def03a2
redirect_url += "&tr_sech=#{sha1}"
These are the routes you will need to use when you redirect a respondent back to TapResearch.
- Complete:{CUSTOMER_ID}/cps/complete?tid=#{TID}&tr_sech=#{SECURITY_HASH}
- Over Quota:{CUSTOMER_ID}/cps/over_quota?tid=#{TID}&tr_sech=#{SECURITY_HASH}
- Quality Term:{CUSTOMER_ID}/cps/quality_term?tid=#{TID}&tr_sech=#{SECURITY_HASH}
- Everything else:{CUSTOMER_ID}/cps/disqualified?tid=#{TID}&tr_sech=#{SECURITY_HASH}
Parameter | Type | Description |
(customer_id) | String | The unique identifier associated with your account. |
tid | String | Unique transaction identifier that is passed to you on survey entry. |
tr_sech | String | HMAC-SHA1 security hash generated using the redirect URL (less the tr_sech parameter) and your API secret. |
The TapResearch API uses the following error codes:
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request -- Your request is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong. |
403 | Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only. |
404 | Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found. |
405 | Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method. |
406 | Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json. |
410 | Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers. |
418 | I'm a teapot. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity -- You request is a duplicate of an existing resource or it contains invalid parameters/data. |
429 | Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down! |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |
- Adhoc Accounts
- Creation of a new route /adhoc_accounts that allows for the creation of buyers that can be attached to campaign records.
- Campaigns
- Addition of a new parameter buyer_account_id, which can be optionally included in the request when creating a campaign.
- Campaigns
- Added missing parameters (is_retarget, custom_campaign_qualifications, redirect_test_url) to JSON response examples for the campaign endpoints where applicable.
- Campaigns
- Added a new boolean parameter is_global to the /campaign_quotas route. This will allow you to set a cap on a specific quota across all quotas in a campaign indicating that a max number of completes of a certain demographic is allowed. This value will also appear when fetching specific campaigns from /campaigns.
- Supplier Links
- Added a separate section for Supplier Links to replace the supplier_link document found under Campaigns.
- Added a Security section to document the new optional substitution value {LINK_HASH} used for the purpose of appending an HMAC-SHA1 security hash to the end of the Supplier Link via the security_hash parameter.
- Campaign Exclusions
- Added /campaign_exclusions route that allows for the exclusion of transaction and player ids on specified campaigns.
- Campaign Export
- Added /export_demographics route that allows for an CSV export of campaign information.
- Campaigns
- Added ability to include any question_id from the /qualifications route as a substitution value to the respondents demographics portion of supplier link attribute.
- Added /redirect_test route that retrieves the redirect_test_url for a specific campaign.
- Custom Screeners
- We now have the ability to create/edit/destroy custom screeners (qualifications) and as a result the following routes have been added.
- /custom_qualifications
- /custom_qualification_answers
- /campaign_qualifications
- We now have the ability to create/edit/destroy custom screeners (qualifications) and as a result the following routes have been added.
- Campaign Quotas
- Added disclaimer on usage of multiple location qualifications on a single quota.
- Callbacks
- Added Quality Term route.
- Added Quality Term route.
- Campaigns
- Updated verbiage around CPI parameter to indicate the currency is always USD.
- Campaign Quotas
- Name parameter can now be updated.
- Added is_clicked_balanced parameter.
- Name parameter can now be updated.
- Changelog
- Versions is now known as changelog and updated format to use date instead of version number.
- Campaigns
- Added max_daily_completes as an optional attribute.
- Added reenetry_interval as an optional attribute.
- Added {RETARGETING_IDENTIFIER} substitution value to supplier link attribute.
- Campaign Retargeting
- Update request payload structure. Allow replacement identifier as optional value for each retarget.
- Campaign Relationships
- Added /campaign_relationships route which will exlcude two campaigns from flow.
- Campaigns
- Added /retarging route.
- Campaigns
- Added /realtime_feasibility route.
- Campaigns
- The CPI parameter is now read-only. We will generate the CPI value using our rate card.
- Campaigns
- Added the campaign level /feasibility route.
- Callbacks
- Added callback URLs.
- Campaigns
- Added days_in_field as an optional attribute. Default value is 5.
- Campaign Quotas
- Added /feasibility route which will return the estimated number of completes based on days_in_field.
- Campaigns
- Added /reject_completes route.
- Campaigns
- Get a list of campaigns that belong to you.
- Create, update, and show a campaign.
- Campaign Quotas
- Create, update, and show a campaign_quota
- Qualifications
- Get a list of accepted targeting criteria.
- Get answer options for a specific qualification.
Contact Us
Please email for any questions or concerns.